Tag: unreal
animating while not an animator
One of the things I’m not is an animator, but every few years I give it a crack, and recently I gave it a crack inside Unreal, which now has really good rigging and animating tools. I made a complete Max Payne dive – sideways, front and back, all blending together just like in the…
Unreal Engine Plugins That I Reckon Are Good
Here is an incomplete list of unreal engine plugins that I like Mesh Tool by Nate Mary is a general modeling tool and the best way to do level design in the editor, though UE5’s CubeGrid tool is really good too (but has fewer functions than this). You can use both together, both just output…
the time i made headcrabs in unreal
Way before Half-Life Alyx had been announced, I spent a couple of days one Christmas remaking Half-Life 2’s headcrabs (using their existing art and anims) in UE4, but with additional physical reactivity – they can lose their footing and struggle to recover, smash into things and active-ragdoll around after a bad jump, get picked up…
Ugh I Guess I Want To Move From Unity To Unreal Dot Com
Decided to do something useful: whipped up a quick Internet Site for all the Unity folks who now want to learn Unreal and don’t know where (or whether) to start because it’s daunting as hell. http://www.ughiguessiwanttomovefromunitytounreal.com
unreal engine general beginner tips for persons who are beginning with unreal engine
Spent some time on a comment to help someone out who was having trouble starting out in Unreal, but it might as well be a post, so here it is: Unreal is really good, but it doesn’t teach itself well, which frustrates me a lot. Once you’re across it it’s wildly empowering, but getting across…