randomly remembered the time i met palmer luckey when the oculus dk2 was new. i was like, “positional tracking is super cool, but the camera is a bummer. keen for in a few years when you can do it without an external camera”

he goes “no, that will never happen. it’s impossible”

in reply to @joewintergreen’s post:


they were working on inside-out tracking at least as early as 2015, and it was considered a promising research direction circa 2012. mainly though, fuck that rich white supremacist piece of shit


this would have been 2014, and while there was nothing inside-out, the concept was there and clearly had legs (and valve had shown their prototype with barcodes on the walls), so either he was dumber than shit (which he is anyway) or just being weird at me for some reason

in any case, fuck that rich white supremacist piece of shit


The people who worked on the Valve inside-out and the DK2 outside-in has a bunch of people in common (notably – me). Inside-out without markers was a known and well-studied technique called SLAM and it basically didn’t work at all well, so we were all very pessimistic about it ever working.


Whenever people say, “Palmer isn’t so bad. He’s not really a racist” I have to bring up the photo of him standing next to Steve Banon, wearing a Hawaiian Shirt (a dumb illusion to race wars), flashing a👌(co-opted to mean white power). Thankfully I can’t post photos in cohost comments, but yeah, that guy sucks.


Since we are talking about Palmer. I was part of a private GDC Facebook group during the first year of the COVID pandemic and Palmer some how kept getting in said private group despite being kicked multiple times prior before from said private group for being a right wing shit lord. Fuck him.


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