some canon new Star Wars thing should address midichlorians by acknowledging them as a whole-cloth pseudoscience and gatekeeping device. qui-gon has the right kind of dadvibe to have honestly believed in it. if there’s a reestablished jedi order or whatever they should view midichlorians the way we view, like, physiognomy. the only people who still ever mention them in earnest should be the sith
in reply to @joewintergreen’s post:

I want Star Wars to go in the opposite direction and not only canonize the stupidest parts of the Expanded Universe, but treat them with the utmost reverence in doing so. Have an eight minute segment where the Mandalorian stirs, whips etc. up a dish for Glup Shitto and end it with him saying, “Thank you…Chef Gormaanda” in the most solemn voice he can muster. Absolutely no hint of irony whatsoever.
Honestly I would love to see: retconning midichlorians as being something inserted into Jedi science by undercover Sith in order to limit the number of people to whom the Jedi teach a peaceful path to the Force. And also to promote cultural inbreeding by turning the order into a cloister of monks who believed there was an intrinsic difference between themselves and “the normals”.

Given the far-less-than-perfect culture of the original Jedi, I can absolutely see Midichlorians being utilized as a way to oust perfectly capable students that asked too many questions or simply weren’t pliable enough. The organisms themselves could even be real and observable, but if you’re only giving special attention to those with a high count upon blood tests, obviously the results are skewed.
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